Friday, September 27, 2024

The Iranian terrorists among us

 The general session of the United Nations was held this past week in New York City. Government leaders from around the world attend in order to enjoy a worldwide platform to talk about their country’s hopes and aspirations. 

There’s no restrictions, as far as I can tell, on who can come to NYC or what can be said in the General Assembly hall.  Terrorist Yasir Arafat was given legitimacy many years ago and, today, the same goes for the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Long designated as a state-sponsor of terrorism by the U.S., Iranian diplomats were given security protection courtesy of the U.S. as home sponsor of the UN.  

This happens as the Iranian government attempts to kill Americans on American soil.  That includes former President Trump and Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State, not to mention Iranian ex-pats. 

Form a deeper look at the UN farce, read this column by the Free Press’s Jay Solomon. Walking free in New York

Let us know what you think. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

List of terror organizations is missing one - Fatah


The U.S. must put Fatah on its list of terror groups

Even Fatah officials admit that the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades is the “military arm” of the party. 

By Stephen M, Flatow

Imagine if the ruling party of any country announced that it had begun carrying out terrorist attacks. Imagine the shock and horror if the U.K. Conservative Party, Canada’s Liberal Party or the U.S. Democratic Party made such a declaration. Yet that is exactly what Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority, just did—and the international community is silent.

Logo of the Al Aqsa
Martyr's Brigades

After the killing of an IDF officer near the city of Jenin in Judea/Samaria on Sept. 14, the official Fatah Facebook page featured a video praising the murder. A translation by Palestinian Media Watch states that the video referred to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades organization as Fatah’s “military arm.” It further declared that Fatah “takes responsibility for the operations of its military arm” and that the Brigades “is officially announcing” that it will be carrying out additional “operations.

Nobody had ever heard of the Brigades until the autumn of 2000, when the Palestinian Arabs launched what they called the second intifada. That campaign of terrorism was led by what was described by the media as a “new” group called the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades.

But it was obvious that a terrorist group couldn’t spring up fully-formed overnight, with an entire network of highly trained bombers and shooters already in place. And it didn’t. The Brigades was a front group constructed by Fatah in order to continue the violence the party had promised, in the Oslo Accords, to give up.

The most notorious of the attacks by the Brigades were a Jan. 2002 assault on a bat mitzvah celebration in Hadera that killed six and wounded 33; a March 2002 suicide bombing in front of Jerusalem’s Yeshivat Beit Yisrael that killed 11 (including two infants) and wounded more than 50; and a suicide bombing at the Tel Aviv central bus station in January 2003 that killed 23 and wounded more than 100.

To continue reading, go to

Terror pays, terrorists don't pay; especially if they are Palestinian


Abbas cheers shooting of Americans (but gets a big check from U.S. anyway)

The Office for Justice for US Overseas Terror Victims has never arrested a Palestinian terrorist involved in attacks on Americans.

By Stephen M. Flatow

As five Americans and three Israelis lie wounded in a Jerusalem hospital, some of them fighting for their lives, the official web site of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas is praising the terrorist who shot them.

Yes, the same Abbas who will be receiving more than $500 million in aid from the Biden administration this year. Most of the money will be channeled through third parties, but it’s all fungible—it covers bills that Abbas and the PA would have to pay if the U.S. wasn’t paying them.

Abbas is chairman of both the PA and Fatah, which is the largest faction of the PA. Abbas was a leader of Fatah for many years under Yasir Arafat, before succeeding him as chairman.

Here is what Abbas’s official Fatah website had to say about the shooting attack on the Americans and Israelis in Jerusalem:

“Praise to the one whose rifle only speaks against his enemy. Long live our people’s unity and long live the free hero. Praise to the rifle muzzles, our people will fight the occupation with all kinds of resistance.” (Translation courtesy of Palestinian Media Watch)

According to my data base, at least 146 American citizens have been murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists since the 1968. The international community has largely forgotten them.

Read the full column at Israel National News.

Teaching terror to children, it's child abuse according to Hillary Clinton


Why Hillary Clinton called it ‘Palestinian child abuse’

At summer camps in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinian Arab youths are being taught that all of Israel—Tel Aviv, Haifa, everything—is “occupied Palestine” and must be annihilated

By Stephen M. Flatow

It’s summertime!

“Summer-camp activities” for youth that present terrorists as role models at the
Palestinian Authority Security Forces’ Al-Istiqlal University. Credit: PMW.
For most children, that means campfires, nature hikes and outdoor games like “Capture the Flag.”

For kids in the regions governed by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, it means weapons training, skits in which the children pretend to kidnap and murder Jews, and lectures on the importance of destroying Israel.

Hillary Clinton once called it “Palestinian child abuse.” One glance at the campers’ daily schedule explains why.

The Central Hebron branch of Fatah—the major faction of the P.A.—has posted on its website dozens of photos and descriptions of their local “Buds of Construction and Liberation” summer camp. Instead of photos of smiling children holding popsicles or swimming in the camp lake, we see photos of smiling Palestinian Arab children holding AK-47 rifles. They’re standing in front of a giant banner showing P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas and his predecessor, Yasser Arafat.

Palestinian Media Watch, which translated the captions, points out that the banner also shows the official Fatah logo, including rifles, a hand grenade and the official P.A. map of the region, which labels all of Israel as “Palestine.”

Read the full column at

Munich terror - title to face the truth about the attack


Mahmoud Abbas and the Munich massacre: Time to face the truth

“Black September” was a fiction—so says the U.S. State Department.

The families of the Israeli athletes massacred at the 1972 Munich Olympics have announced a boycott of an upcoming 50th-anniversary commemoration in Germany. They’re protesting the inadequate level of compensation provided by the German government, and I fully support their position.

German plaque commemorating the Munich Massacre victims
But let’s not forget that one of the masterminds of the massacre heads a regime that is currently receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in direct and indirect aid each year from the United States, Germany and numerous other countries.

I am referring to Mahmoud Abbas, the chairman of both the Palestinian Authority and its main faction, Fatah.

The autobiography of the late Mohammed Oudeh, better known as Abu Daoud, named Abbas as one of the three senior officials of Fatah who assisted Daoud in planning the Munich massacre.

Officially, the Munich attack was carried out by the “Black September” group that pretended to be independent of Fatah.

But the myth of an “independent” Black September was shattered many years ago with the declassifying of a telegram sent by the U.S. State Department to American embassies around the world on March 13, 1973.

Read the full column at JNS.ORG