Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why Did Netanyahu Free My Daughter's Killer?

Here's a Forward Op-Ed criticizing the Israeli government decision to free more than 1,000 jailed terrorists for Gilad Schalit.  It's written by Frimet Roth whose daughter was murdered in the Sbarro bombing of August 2009.

The full article is Why Did Netanyahu Free My Daughter's Killer? –

What's your opinion?

alisa flatow stephen israel terror gilad shalit

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This isn't Showtime's Homeland

This is the real stuff, not a made for TV series, about US efforts to capture would be terrorists before they can do harm. The case is that of
Barry Walter Bujol Jr., a 30-year-old Hempstead, Texas, resident and former student at Prairie View A&M University, has been convicted for attempting to provide material support to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), a designated foreign terrorist organization...
To get an idea of how these cases unfold, read the full report from the US Attorney here.

Keep up the good work ladies and gentlemen.

Well, that's what I have to say.

Stephen M. Flatow

alisa flatow israel

Into the fray: A study in self-cannibalization

The title of this column by Martin Sherman appearing on sure caught my attention.  And before you think it's about lifestyles in the Western world, read this lead off paragraph,
Over a century ago, Churchill warned that Western civilization will face an existential challenge from the Muslim world. It is now upon us.

OK, it really is about Islamism and the threat posed to the Western world in its rush to be politically correct by being welcoming of so-called diversity.

The bottom line?  One shouldn't hesitate to call a spade a spade.

Read the full column here.

alisa flatow stephen israel terrorism islamism jihad